Every poem in my work folder is a letter of resignation.” –Bill Knott
Every poem I write is a rejection slip.
Every poem I write is a radar blip.
Every poem I write goes out for cigarettes and never comes home.
Every poem I write has Stockholm Syndrome.
Every poem I write is a love letter to an enemy.
Every poem I write is a cry for help inside a fortune cookie.
Every poem I write is an abandoned mine.
Every poem I write is a police outline.
Every poem I write is hooked on MTV.
Every poem I write is not as good as the movie.
Every poem I write is a stone dropped down into the chasm.
Every poem I write is an anachronism.
Every poem I write is an unreturned phone call.
Every poem I write is an uncaught fly ball.
Every poem I write is a portrait of my brother.
Every poem I write is a teenage mother.
Every poem I write is the unknown soldier.
Every poem I write carries my weight on its shoulders.
Every poem I write is a Turing machine.
Every poem I write tells me it’s only a dream.
Every poem I write is a newly discovered, endangered bird.
Every poem I write is a never-before-heard, unpronounceable word.
Every poem I write is a Wikipedia entry.
Every poem I write is a message in an invisible bottle, floating on an invisible sea.
Every poem I write is a pointed letter to an invisible editor.
Every poem I write is to you as a bull is to the matador.
Every poem I write is a removable tattoo.
Every poem I write has abandonment issues.
Every poem I write is painstakingly engraved on a grain of rice.
Every poem I write is being carved into an already melting block of ice.
Every poem I write is a deus ex machina.
Every poem I write wants 2 increase its length + stamina.
Every poem I write is a tape being eaten.
Every poem I write is a horse being beaten.
Every poem I write is a note passed under an invisible table to my lover.
Every poem I write is a party tainted by the pre-nostalgia for my hangover.
Every poem I write has a plot hole I could walk through, because the hole is me-shaped.
Every poem I write is an autorape.