The Winner of the 2008 New Issues Poetry Prize
Justin Marks has won the 2008 New Issues Poetry Prize for his manuscript A Million in Prizes. Carl Phillips, author of Quiver of Arrows, judged the award. Justin wins a $2,000 award and publication of his manuscript in the spring of 2009.
Justin Marks’s latest chapbook is [Summer insular] (Horse Less Press, 2007). His poems have recently appeared in Cannibal, Soft Targets, Tarpaulin Sky and the Bedside Guide to No Tell Motel – Second Floor, and are forthcoming in Handsome, the New York Quarterly and Wildlife Poetry Magazine. He is the founder and Editor of Kitchen Press Chapbooks and lives in New York City.
From Judge’s Citation:
“‘I wake, my not-yet-self/projecting back on the life I rise into.’ That’s but one example of the kind of logic (and syntax) that informs the poems of A Million in Prizes, a logic that often resists initial sense, only to reward with a clarity and maturity of insight that make these poems more powerful—more persuasive—with each reading.” —Carl Phillips