The Steinach Operation

A place of semi-natural vigor.


See you in the A-town y'all...

at the Apache Cafe on Friday, 3/2, 7pm. Go here for deets. I'm out.


Dope Review of Kitchen Press Books by Alexander Dickow over at DIY

Thanks, Alexander! I can't believe you picked the fart poem.


Ara Vora hits the studio to record History of Domestication


It's been a VERY chappy week here at 112 Berkshire St.

The Octopus gang watching SportsCenter.

Zach and Julia's Horse Less chapbooks resting after breakfast.

Alan Davies' new Katalanche release...go here to hear an interview and reading.


Another Kitchen Press chappy drops.

Elisa Gabbert's Thanks for Sending the Engine is now available. Buy it. It is so rad. And not just because it was birthed from The Steinach Operation's own bloggy loins.


Info for So and So #10 up...

over there.